Team coaching
Team coaching is a comprehensive process that creates high performing, sustainable, and inspired teams.
The Benefits of Team Coaching
Team coaching is a process of helping a group of people work together to achieve a common goal. It can be used in various settings, I offer team coaching for organisations.
A team coach guides the team to develop and implement a plan of action, while also providing feedback and support along the way.
Some of the benefits of team coaching are:
Creating an environment of transparency: Team coaching can help team members to communicate openly and honestly, share information and ideas, and give and receive constructive feedback. This can foster trust, collaboration, and innovation within the team.
Building expectations and acceptable behaviours: Team coaching can help team members to clarify their roles and responsibilities, set clear and realistic goals, and establish norms and values for the team. This can enhance accountability, alignment, and performance within the team.
Making team members proactive: Team coaching can help team members to identify their strengths and weaknesses, develop their skills and competencies, and take ownership of their learning and development. This can increase their confidence, motivation, and engagement within the team.
Boosting collaboration: Team coaching can help team members to appreciate diversity, leverage collective intelligence, and resolve conflicts. This can improve their relationships, creativity, and problem-solving within the team.
Building trust: Team coaching can help team members to respect each other, support each other, and celebrate each other’s successes. This can improve their morale, well-being, and satisfaction within the team.
Team coaching can be a powerful tool for enhancing team effectiveness and achieving positive outcomes. By focusing on what the team wants to achieve, rather than what they perceive as their limitations, team coaching can help them to overcome challenges and reach their full potential.
There are many examples of successful team coaching in different contexts and settings. Here are some of them:
This is a type of team coaching that involves two employees from the same department or team working together to improve their performance. The employees provide feedback to each other on how they can improve their skills, behaviours, or outcomes. Peer coaching can foster a culture of learning, collaboration, and mutual support within the team.
This is a type of team coaching that focuses on helping a team complete a specific project or task. The coach helps the team to define the project scope, goals, roles, and responsibilities, and then monitors the progress and provides guidance along the way. Project coaching can help the team to deliver high-quality results, overcome challenges, and learn from the experience.
This is a type of team coaching that applies the principles and practices of agile methodology to software development teams. The coach helps the team to adopt an agile mindset, use agile tools and techniques, and collaborate effectively with other teams and stakeholders. Agile coaching can help the team to deliver value faster, respond to change better, and improve customer satisfaction.
This is a type of team coaching that targets the leaders or managers of a team. The coach helps the leader to develop their leadership skills, such as communication, delegation, motivation, and feedback. Leadership coaching can help the leader to inspire and empower their team, create a positive work environment, and achieve organisational goals.
This is a type of team coaching that involves employees from different departments or functions working together on a common goal. The coach helps the team to bridge the gaps between their perspectives, expertise, and cultures, and to leverage their diversity for innovation and problem-solving. Cross-functional coaching can help the team to break silos, improve coordination, and enhance customer value.
I offer one to one coaching in a personal or a business setting. if you aren’t sure what this is, it’s a type of coaching that involves a coach and a coachee working together on a specific goal or challenge. The coach provides support, feedback, and guidance to the coachee, while also helping them to discover their own solutions and actions. One to one coaching can be used for various purposes, such as personal development, career advancement, or performance improvement.
One to one coaching can help the coachee to take responsibility for their own learning and development.
I help the coachee to set SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals and action plans, and then monitors and reviews their progress.
Part of the process is for me to also challenges the coachee to overcome obstacles, learn from feedback, and celebrate achievements.
Some of the benefits of 1:1 coaching are:
Focused attention
One to one coaching provides the coachee with undivided attention from the coach. The coach can listen deeply, ask powerful questions, and offer constructive feedback to the coachee. The coachee can also express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns without fear of judgement or interruption. This can foster a trusting and supportive relationship between the coach and the coachee.
Customised learning
One to one coaching is tailored to the individual needs, preferences, and goals of the coachee. The coach can adapt their style, methods, and tools to suit the coachee’s learning style, personality, and situation. This can enhance the coachee’s engagement, motivation, and retention of the learning.
Flexible scheduling
One to one coaching can be arranged at a time and place that is convenient for both me as the coach and the coachee. The coaching sessions can be delivered in person or zoom. The duration and frequency of the sessions can also be adjusted according to the coachee’s availability and progress.
You can check out the “Are you ready for coaching?” questionnaire in my free resources section.
One to one coaching is a highly confidential process that respects the privacy and integrity of the coachee. I adheres to ethical standards and codes of conduct that ensure that the information shared by the coachee is kept confidential and secure.
Action Learning
Action learning is an approach to problem solving that involves taking action and reflecting on the results. It helps improve the problem-solving process as well as simplify the solutions developed by a team. Action learning is based on a cycle of steps: identifying a problem, taking action, observing the effects, reflecting on what was learned, and planning the next action.
Action learning is often used in a business context, where small groups of people (called action learning sets) work together on a real and urgent problem, with the help of action learning facilitator, this is where I can help you by facilitating the learning process. Action learning sets meet regularly to share their experiences, ask questions, challenge assumptions, and give feedback. Action learning sets can foster good work relationships, creativity, and systems thinking.
Action learning can benefit individuals, teams, and organizations by developing creative solutions to pressing problems, enhancing leadership skills, increasing collaboration, and fostering a culture of learning.
Why choose action learning?
From public sector, healthcare, engineering and the arts, to education, charities, social enterprises and manufacturing, organisations from all sectors are using Action Learning to:
Improve existing training programmes
Implement a new strategy
Develop individuals and senior leaders
Embed learning into an organisation
Allows individuals to harness their true power, skills and capabilities to confidently work together and find sustainable resolutions
Supports individuals personal development, enhancing emotional intelligence and resilience
For the organisation, Action Learning is an effective way to break down silos, build connections, and strengthen networks – providing a vehicle for change and innovation
Refines the skills of listening, questioning, challenge and feedback it can significantly contribute to creating a coaching culture and building coaching capacity.
Integrated Resilience Programme
This is a highly practical and interactive process will provide an understanding of the concept of personal resilience and why it is important in building stronger organisations. This introductory session is based on understanding and building Mental Toughness, Mindfulness and Restorative Practice. Using an Appreciative Inquiry approach, we help participants to increase their awareness of the resources they have and identify gaps where they could acquire additional knowledge and skills. Whether this is in their work role or within their own personal lives, participants will be able to handle pressurised situations more competently and provide a good role model for others around them. The overall aim is to create a development opportunity to explore, design and implement a range of success/coping strategies which will help them and their clients.
Workshop Objectives:
By the end of the workshop the participants will:
Understand what mental toughness is and why it is a core competency for self-management
Have assessed themselves against the components of mental toughness identified specific areas to develop
Recognise what situations or factors undermine or weaken their resilience
Have established their own sense of purpose and what they need to do to improve their fulfilment of it
Have identified how they can strengthen the components for mental toughness/ resilience and developed plans and actions to achieve these
Understand mindfulness and how they can use it in everyday situations to support their wellbeing
Understand what Restorative practice is and the importance in building, maintaining and repairing relationships
Understand the importance of looking after their well-being on a consistent basis and being a role model for others
This highly practical and interactive process will provide an understanding of the concept of personal resilience and why it is important in building stronger organisations.
Prior to the session delegates will be asked to complete an online mental toughness psychometric questionnaire (MTQ48) which will provide feedback reports confidentially back to the delegate.
Leadership Development
I specialise in Leadership development and have designed and delivered numerous programmes depending of the identified needs within an organisation.
It supports leaders enhance their skills and qualities to become a more effective leader
It helps individuals and organizations achieve their goals and improve their performance.
Leadership development can be delivered in various categories, such as decision-making, communication, team-building, inspiration, resilience, managing your impact on others, personal growth, to name a few.
When delivering leadership or management development (as in all development programmes) it is key that the evaluation criteria is set at the beginning so that the impact can be measured following the programme to ensure it has had the desired outcome.
I am happy to chat through what could be potential options for your organisation.
Strategic Workforce Planning
I support organisations with Strategic workforce planning, a whole system approach to assess and analyse internal business drivers and goals and provides a framework for organisations to meet challenges they are facing in complex and uncertain circumstances.
This is a process aligning business goals and needs with people strategy. It involves analysing the current workforce, determining future workforce needs, identifying the gap between the workforce you will have available and your future needs, and implementing solutions so that an organisation can accomplish its objectives.
Some examples of workforce planning in different industries are:
Recruiting new employees to meet the demand of a growing customer base or a new product launch.
Developing an attractive employee value proposition to recruit and retain talent.
Developing leadership capability to ensure succession planning and talent development.
Expanding operations to new locations or markets and hiring or relocating staff accordingly.
Retaining and skilling employees to adapt to changing client needs or technological innovations.
Downsizing or restructuring the workforce to reduce costs or improve efficiency.
Outsourcing or insourcing certain functions or tasks to optimise the use of internal and external resources.
Creating a diverse and inclusive workforce that reflects the values and culture of the organisation and its clients.